Friday, December 31, 2010

Rafa and Friends

He arranged Dawatew (Buzz Lightyear) and Woody and laid down beside them.  Don't blame Mum, she just took the picture.  Daddy was doing something outside of the room.  

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Singing ABC

Rafa Too High

He would always ask Daddy to "carry woo todows" (carry you shoulders, or more precisely, "carry me on your shoulders").  And when he's up there (daddy's 5'11), he would say "looko here, mommy" (look here, mommy).  "Rafa too high", "Rafa on top", "nehey!"

Good Morning

The first thing he says when he opens his eyes in the morning is "Goo Mornin."  He says that with a big grin on his face.  This makes Mum, who is always beside him when he awakes, very happy.

Rafa Made An Airplane

Rafa made an "airplane" using pillows in our bed.
Rafa, announcing to everybody:  "Rafa made airplane.  Very good.  Yehey!"