October 4, 2011. This is the day our little boy officially became a Big Boy. As some of you may have known, he's been wee-wee trained since last year. He doesn't wear a nappy to school, when we go out and during his afternoon naps. He can not wear a nappy at night when he sleeps but we still make him wear one "just in case."

But pupu training's another thing. He knows when he needs to go but will always insist on putting the nappy and doing number 2 in them. Then last night, October 4, 2011, he pooped in the potty! It was a bitter-sweet moment, with him crying and holding his poop until he can no longer hold it and just let go. . I wiped his pwet-pwet (butt) with tissue and touched his pwet-pwet to show him how fantastic it is not to feel the poop on your butt. When he stood up, he felt so proud to see this giant poop on the bowl! He said "I did it Mum and my pupu looks like it has a crest on the head!" -- "crest on the head" (after the Parasaurolophus, hmmm, little boy's dinosaur phase).
And oh, before he "let go," he kept asking for a nappy and I told him that daddy went down to get his nappy because we ran out of nappies. After his "success," he said "my baby sister will just use the nappy that Daddy bought."
Sorry for this cheesy post, my heart is just bursting with joy with this milestone. This milestone came a little late but it was sweet nonetheless.